REVIEW Clause 16-3: The Restitution Of Confiscated Assets

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The document outlines Clause 16-3, which focuses on the restitution of confiscated assets between Ukraine and Russia. Here are the main points:

1. **Restitution of Assets**: Both countries will return confiscated assets to their pre-war owners in their current condition by the time of the ceasefire. If a clean return isn't possible, fair compensation will be provided.
2. **Surveillance and Prevention**: Surveillance drones and local vigilantes will help prevent vandalism of properties during the ceasefire. Restituted civilian administrations (RCAs) will report any misbehavior to the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission (JMCC).
3. **Legal Frameworks**: Legal frameworks will be established to handle the restitution and compensation of assets, involving financial and legal experts, business representatives, and other stakeholders from both sides.
4. **Ukrainian Assets in Crimea**: Ukrainian governmental and private properties in Crimea will be returned or compensated. Governmental assets will be sold to the Russian government, while private assets will be negotiated individually.
5. **Ukrainian Assets in Occupied Territories**: Assets in occupied territories, like Mariupol, will be returned to their pre-war owners or compensated. The legal framework will involve Ukrainian and Russian court systems and possibly international institutions.
6. **Russian Assets in Occupied Territories**: Assets created or improved by Russian occupation forces will be inherited by local Ukrainian governments without compensation to Russia.
7. **Russian Assets in Ukraine**: Confiscated Russian assets in Ukraine will be returned to their pre-war owners, and Russian companies and individuals will be allowed to resume business in Ukraine.

The document emphasizes the importance of legal frameworks and cooperation between both countries to ensure fair restitution and compensation of assets.
