REVIEW: The Opponent Across The Board

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Here are the key points from the page:

- **Kremlin Autocrat's View**: The Kremlin autocrat does not see the Ukrainian head of state, Belarusian president, NATO leaders, or European leaders as his main opponent. Instead, he views them as pieces on a geopolitical chessboard.
- **U.S. as Main Opponent**: The Kremlin autocrat considers the U.S. president his primary opponent, capable of leading NATO's response and imposing severe sanctions on Russia.
- **Historical Context**: The page outlines various historical events and decisions by the U.S. president that the Kremlin autocrat perceives as "cut-run-run" moves, influencing his decision to invade Ukraine.
- **Invasion Timing**: The Kremlin autocrat waited until after the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to invade Ukraine, ensuring China's support before confronting the West.
